$RARI is an ERC-20 token that controls the RARI Foundation treasury and governs the Rarible protocol and RARI Chain. The token was issued in 2020 with a max. supply of 25 million $RARI.

What is RARI Foundation?

RARI Foundation represents RARI DAO which is a community-governed, decentralized autonomous organization that promotes ecosystem growth and shapes the future of the two core infrastructure layers:

  • Rarible Protocol – open-source and free-to-use infrastructure for building NFT apps and experiences, such as marketplaces, wallets, analytics and more.

  • RARI Chain – a secure and low-cost Ethereum L3 chain that guarantees royalty payments through enforcement on the node level.

RARI Foundation and RARI DAO are committed to broadening the NFT use case horizon by creating a creator-centric and fully decentralized robust ecosystem.

RARI DAO governs the following areas under its mandate: – RARI DAO treasury – Ecosystem growth of Rarible Protocol and the RARI Chain

This vision is being brought to life through a robust governance architecture that lets anyone get involved in this decision-making by locking $RARI to exercise your voting rights.

How Many RARI Coins Are There in Circulation?

$RARI was issued in 2020 with a max. supply of 25 million $RARI.

The initial distribution of the token was as follows: – 10% airdropped to NFT holders in the cryptocurrency community – 60% set aside for rewarding users of the apps built on Rarible Protocol – Remaining 30% was distributed to investors and the Rarible team

When locked, the token can be used for governance in the RARI DAO.

Usefull links


Official Website